The 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are divinely inbreathed, infallible, inerrant and the authoritative Word of God.
The Godhead exists and has revealed Himself as eternal and self-existent, self-revealed in three persons: the Father; the Son; and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God, having the same nature and attributes and are worthy of the same homage, confidence, and obedience.
2.1. THE FATHER – exists eternally as the Creator of heaven and earth, the Giver of the Law, to whom all things will be subjected, so that He may be all in all.
(Genesis 1:1; 1 Corinthians 15:28)
2.2. THE SON – The Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal and only begotten Son of the Father, is true God and true man. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and by His sinless life, miracles and teaching, gave full revelation of the Father.
He died upon the cross, the Just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice. He rose from the dead. He is now at the right hand of the Majesty on high as our great High Priest. He will come again to establish His kingdom in righteousness and peace.
(John 1:1,14; John 10:30,17; Philippians 2:6-7; Hebrews 1:8; Luke 1:26-35; John 12:49; Acts 2:22; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 7:26; Romans 5:6+8; 1 Corinthians 15:3; 1 Peter 3:18; Matthew 28:6; 1 Corinthians 15:420; Acts 1:9-11; Acts 2:33; Hebrews 8:1; Matthew 25:31)
2.3. THE HOLY SPIRIT – performing actions and possessing the attributes of the Deity. His personality is shown by the fact that He has personal characteristics and that individuals may relate to Him as a Person.
(Acts 5:3-4; John 16:13-14)
3.1. People were created in the image and likeness of God, to know Him and enjoy Him forever.
3.2. All mankind, with the exception of the man Jesus Christ, has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God for which we were created, resulting in spiritual death, which is separation from God.
Salvation has been provided for all men through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon the cross. It is the only perfect redemption and substitutionary atonement for all the sins of the world, both original and actual. His atoning work has been proven by His resurrection from the dead. Those who repent and believe in Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit and receive eternal life. Furthermore, in the atonement, divine healing was provided for all believers.
(Isa. 53:3-6; John 12:32,33; 1 Pet. 2:24. Acts 2:36; Rom. 4:25; 1 Cor. 15:14,17,20; Heb. 10:12; 1 John 2:2 Acts 20:21; 1 Pet. 1:23,25 Isa. 53:4,5; Matt. 8:16b,17)
Man can be born again only through faith in Christ. Repentance, a vital part of believing, is a complete change of mind wrought by the Holy Spirit, turning a person to God from sin.
(Isa. 55:7; Acts 17:30; Gal. 3:22,26; Eph. 2:8; 1 John 5:10-13)
Regeneration is a creative work of the Holy Spirit, by which man is born again and receives spiritual life.
(John 3:3b,5b,7; 2 Cor. 5:17,18a; 1 Pet. 1:23)
Justification is a judicial act of God by which the sinner is declared righteous solely on the basis of his acceptance of Christ as Savior.
(Rom. 3:24; 4:3-5; 5:1-2)
Sanctification is dedication to God and separation from evil. In experience it is both instantaneous and progressive. It is produced in the life of the believer by their appropriation of the power of Jesus Christ’s blood and risen life through the Person of the Holy Spirit. He draws the believer’s attention to Christ, teaches them through the Word and produces the character of Christ within them. Believers who sin must repent and seek forgiveness through faith in the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.
(2 Cor. 6:14; 7:1 John 17:17,19; Heb. 10:10,14; I Thes. 5:23; 2 Tim. 2:19-22; 1 Pet. 1:14-16; Rom. 6:11,13,14,18 1Cor. 13; Gal. 5:22, 23; 2 Pet. 1:3-4 1 John 1:9; 2:1
The 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are divinely inbreathed, infallible, inerrant and the authoritative Word of God.
The Godhead exists and has revealed Himself as eternal and self-existent, self-revealed in three persons: the Father; the Son; and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God, having the same nature and attributes and are worthy of the same homage, confidence, and obedience.
2.1. THE FATHER – exists eternally as the Creator of heaven and earth, the Giver of the Law, to whom all things will be subjected, so that He may be all in all.
(Genesis 1:1; 1 Corinthians 15:28)
2.2. THE SON – The Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal and only begotten Son of the Father, is true God and true man. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and by His sinless life, miracles and teaching, gave full revelation of the Father.
He died upon the cross, the Just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice. He rose from the dead. He is now at the right hand of the Majesty on high as our great High Priest. He will come again to establish His kingdom in righteousness and peace.
(John 1:1,14; John 10:30,17; Philippians 2:6-7; Hebrews 1:8; Luke 1:26-35; John 12:49; Acts 2:22; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 7:26; Romans 5:6+8; 1 Corinthians 15:3; 1 Peter 3:18; Matthew 28:6; 1 Corinthians 15:420; Acts 1:9-11; Acts 2:33; Hebrews 8:1; Matthew 25:31)
2.3. THE HOLY SPIRIT – performing actions and possessing the attributes of the Deity. His personality is shown by the fact that He has personal characteristics and that individuals may relate to Him as a Person.
(Acts 5:3-4; John 16:13-14)
3.1. People were created in the image and likeness of God, to know Him and enjoy Him forever.
3.2. All mankind, with the exception of the man Jesus Christ, has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God for which we were created, resulting in spiritual death, which is separation from God.
Salvation has been provided for all men through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon the cross. It is the only perfect redemption and substitutionary atonement for all the sins of the world, both original and actual. His atoning work has been proven by His resurrection from the dead. Those who repent and believe in Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit and receive eternal life. Furthermore, in the atonement, divine healing was provided for all believers.
(Isa. 53:3-6; John 12:32,33; 1 Pet. 2:24. Acts 2:36; Rom. 4:25; 1 Cor. 15:14,17,20; Heb. 10:12; 1 John 2:2 Acts 20:21; 1 Pet. 1:23,25 Isa. 53:4,5; Matt. 8:16b,17)
Man can be born again only through faith in Christ. Repentance, a vital part of believing, is a complete change of mind wrought by the Holy Spirit, turning a person to God from sin.
(Isa. 55:7; Acts 17:30; Gal. 3:22,26; Eph. 2:8; 1 John 5:10-13)
Regeneration is a creative work of the Holy Spirit, by which man is born again and receives spiritual life.
(John 3:3b,5b,7; 2 Cor. 5:17,18a; 1 Pet. 1:23)
Justification is a judicial act of God by which the sinner is declared righteous solely on the basis of his acceptance of Christ as Savior.
(Rom. 3:24; 4:3-5; 5:1-2)
Sanctification is dedication to God and separation from evil. In experience it is both instantaneous and progressive. It is produced in the life of the believer by their appropriation of the power of Jesus Christ’s blood and risen life through the Person of the Holy Spirit. He draws the believer’s attention to Christ, teaches them through the Word and produces the character of Christ within them. Believers who sin must repent and seek forgiveness through faith in the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.
(2 Cor. 6:14; 7:1 John 17:17,19; Heb. 10:10,14; I Thes. 5:23; 2 Tim. 2:19-22; 1 Pet. 1:14-16; Rom. 6:11,13,14,18 1Cor. 13; Gal. 5:22, 23; 2 Pet. 1:3-4 1 John 1:9; 2:1